Our Fees for Debt Recovery is competitive and great value for money. These costs apply where a claim is in relation to a simple unpaid invoice which is not disputed and enforcement action is not needed. If the other party disputes the claim at any point, further work will be required and you will be provided with revised advice about costs if necessary, which could be on a fixed fee (e.g. if a one-off letter is required), or an hourly rate if more extensive work is needed.

Our Fees for Debt Recovery fee includes:

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing documentation
  • Undertaking appropriate searches
  • Sending a letter before action
  • Receiving payment and sending onto you, or providing advice if the debt is not paid.


Debt value Court fee Our fee (excluding. VAT) Total
Up to £5,000 £35 – £205 £350 (excluding VAT) £385 – £555 +VAT
£5,001 – £10,000 £455 £350 (excluding VAT) £805 +VAT
£10,001 – £50,000 5% value of the claim £150- £250 per hour Estimates available upon request


Further work not included and upon which fees can be agreed:

  • drafting, analysing and issuing a claim
  • Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the court to enter Judgement in default
  • When Judgement in default is received, contact the other side to request payment
  • Other steps as appropriate


On average matter can take 1 – 12 months from receipt of instructions to receipt of payment from the other side, depending on whether or not it is necessary to issue a claim. This is on the basis that the other side pays promptly on receipt of Judgement in default. If enforcement action is needed, the matter will take longer to conclude.

We are Multilingual, our experts can advise clients who speak English, Georgian, Russian, Urdu, Chinese and Persian Language.

L Immigration

我们经验丰富——在 LawLex,移民顾问多年来一直帮助人们来到英国并留在英国。


我们会倾听——我们知道每个人的移民案例都不同,没有一种解决方案适合所有人。 我们的移民顾问始终倾听您的情况,并会根据您的情况为您提供相应的指导。

我们会说多种语言——如果您不会说英语,我们将确保我们有可以翻译的人在场。 在 LawLex Solicitors,我们讲英语、格鲁吉亚语、俄语、乌尔都语、中文和波斯语。


我们知道每个法律问题都很困难,会导致精神压力。 我们 LawLex Solicitors 是独一无二的,这就是为什么我们仔细定制我们的建议以满足个人需求并努力为您确保最佳结果。 要与我们的法律团队成员交谈,请致电 0203 432 7706 或点击此处在线联系我们,我们会回电给您。

